
Thursday, April 29, 2010


For those that don't know me, I help run a dance studio. It is getting to the end of our year so things are definitely getting crazy. Tomorrow we will have our Gymnastics Meet, where all of our gymnasts will come and show off all they have learned this year. We have it in our gym at the church where I work and it is alot of fun. The kids get medals, and you would think we were giving them a million dollars. I really think the parents pay $35 a month for them to get a $2 medal at the end. It is crazy how much emphasis the kids put in that. We also have the Ice Cream Lady come and the kids get to pick out something to eat. The kids love it and have a ball. I don't stress out too much about this one. I think this is because it is definitely not as big as what I get to do next weekend.

Next Friday we have our dress rehearsal. I actually dread this day more than the recital day. It is such chaos and there is really no way for it not to be. It will go on from about 4:30pm to 10:30pm. It is a long night. Then we get to get up Saturday morning and do it all over again. We have 2 shows. One at 10am for the young kids and then at 1pm for 2nd grade and up. Also a long day but seeing how everything comes together is quite rewarding.

At this point in my life I am trying to decide if all that stress is worth it. One day I am convinced that I need to quit, and then that same day or the next day I am convinced that I want to keep doing this. I work with such great people, even though some days I am ready to pinch their heads off.

Brian is crazy as well. He has kids that are preparing for AP tests. That is a big prayer request for him. Just that he would be given the knowledge to help them prepare for these tests. We don't see each other very much during this time of year, which is why we love love love the summer!

The only big thing on our list for the summer so far is a mission trip with our church to San Diego the end of July. We will be going to Harbor Church Mid City to help out with their Vacation Bible School and wherever else they need our service. We had our first meeting tonight with our group. I was so excited when we got an e-mail and I didn't know one person on the list very well. Both of us have really wanted to meet new people in our church outside of our community group. Other than this I am sure we will get to the beach at some point, at least we better, and then just enjoy spending time with each other.

Fertility Front: On Monday I get to have more blood drawn to check for some issues that may lead to a reason as to why I have had 2 early miscarriages. I would love to know how much blood has been taken from me in relation to my infertility. However, I am very curious to find out the results. We will have an appointment with Dr. A in a few weeks and hopefully he can give us a good plan to move forward with. Brian and I are also going to Resolve's Family Building Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday. I am really excited about all we will learn and get to report back to our local Resolve group. I know of 2 other couples going as well.

Have a great weekend and I will let you know how the Gym Meet and Family Building Conference goes.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Little Spring Cleaning

So I thought the blog needed a little updating and it definitely needed some help in the fashion department. Hopefully I am up to date and can move on to the important stuff. I am really hoping to start keeping this thing more up to date. I know I know I have said that numerous times. But I need a place to lay out all my hopes, dreams, disappointments, failures, and frustrations. So bare with us!
