
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our New Adventure!

Many of you know that Brian and I have been working on a domestic adoption. Well God has really laid Africa on our hearts. That being said in about a year or so we will be traveling to the country of Ug*nda to adopt and begin our family. We are already so in love with a country we have never been to. We are so excited for this new adventure and we can't wait to see where it takes us. Stay tuned. We will keep the blog updated as we know things. Eventually it will have to go private but we will let you know when that happens.

Can you find Ug*nda?
(Hint: East/Central)

We will spend most of our time in the capital city of K*mpala and when we go we will have to go for 4-6 weeks. We are so excited and we can't wait to see our family.

I sent off our I-600a form to US Citizenship and Immigration Services, along with our birth certificates, marriage license, and a check. That was the first time I was excited to write a check to the government.

Our agency predicts 12-15 months of wait time until we travel. Which puts us next fall and Brian will be in school. One parent is allowed to leave after about 2 weeks, but our prayer now is that our process would be fast and we could go in the summer. Only God could make that happen. If not my mom will probably come over to keep us company.

Thanks for following our story and I will try to be really good at keeping this blog up to date!